Center for Academic and Religious Excellence (C.A.R.E.) | Evaluated Learning Experience
EDU/ECE 301 Creativity and the Arts in Early Childhood Education I and II
September 2016 - Present.
Upon successful passing of the examination, students will demonstrate proficiency as follows: define and identify the creative arts emphasized in this course, namely dance, drama, music, visual arts, literature; clarify process versus product in meeting goals and objectives in the classroom; identify Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences and apply them to the arts; identify the segments in the Continuum of Affective Development and their role in promotion of the arts; and identify the different elements in creative arts around the world; link all the art elements as they apply to a literature unit.
In order to prepare for this examination, students will study the following topics: the various forms of arts used in education around the world; the Process versus Product Approach in teaching; the two hemispheres of the brain and their function; the use of guided imagery for children; integrating the arts with math, social studies, science; the link between art and cognitive development and the teacher’s role in developing the visual arts; dramatizing folk tales from around the world; the young child and three dimensional art; linking the arts through literature.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 6 semester hours in Early Childhood Education (9/16) (4/21 revalidation).