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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Credit Recommendations

Credit recommendations are recommended in the following categories:

  • Associate/Certificate Degree Category. This category represents course work normally found in curricula in two-year institutions leading to an associate degree in a vocational area, sometimes called the Associate in Occupational Studies. It also represents course work normally found in yearlong credit-bearing certificate programs designed to provide students with occupational skills. In both of these instances, course content is specialized, and any accompanying shop training emphasizes procedural rather than analytical skills.
  • Lower Division Baccalaureate/Associate Degree Category. This category represents introductory-level course work normally found in the first two years of a baccalaureate degree program and course work in programs leading to the Associate in Arts, the Associate in Science, and the Associate in Applied Science degrees. The instruction stresses development of analytical abilities at the introductory level. Verbal, mathematical, and scientific concepts associated with an academic discipline are introduced, as are basic principles.
  • Upper Division Baccalaureate Degree Category. This category represents course work of the type found in the last two years of a baccalaureate program. The courses involve specialization of a theoretical or analytical nature beyond the introductory level. Successful performance by students normally requires prior study in the area. 
  • Graduate Degree Category. This category represents course work with content of the type found in graduate programs. These courses often require independent study, original research, critical analysis, or the professional application of the specialized knowledge within the discipline. Students enrolled in such courses normally have completed baccalaureate work.NOTE: In some instances, credit is recommended in more than one category. A decision must be made by the college as to which category of credit best applies to a student's educational program.

Credit recommendations apply retroactively to the date a course or program was offered substantially in the same form as seen at the review, although credit recommendations are not made retroactive beyond five years from the time of review. Procedures for reporting and documenting students' successful completion of  learning experiences must extend to the point to which credit recommendations are backdated.

