The Evaluator's Role
To ensure consistency in the process of establishing credit recommendations, it is essential that all evaluators clearly understand the underlying philosophy of NCCRS, the evaluation process, and the evaluator's role and responsibilities.
1. To serve as representatives of NCCRS: Individuals are invited to serve on evaluation teams based on their expertise in the subject matter being evaluated and their openness to nontraditional education. Evaluators are employed as consultants by NCCRS and officially represent the Program during the evaluation. It is understood that a faculty person's approval of a course for a credit recommendation in no way implies endorsement by his/her institution.
2. To serve as advisors to the non-collegiate sponsoring organization: Organizations which arrange for NCCRS to evaluate their courses do so voluntarily. Evaluators, therefore, should view their relationship to the organization as an advisory one. Most organizations undergoing evaluation are eager to receive constructive criticism on their courses, and NCCRS considers this as an integral part of the service it provides during an evaluation.
3. To determine college credit recommendation: The primary task of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which the courses under review are comparable to college-level instruction, determine how many credit hours the course may be assigned based on the hours of instruction together with the scope of the course, and determine which area(s) of study the course(s) correspond to at secondary institutions.