Is there a limit to the amount of credit that colleges award for noncollegiate learning experiences?
Some colleges and universities don't have official policies limiting the number of credits which can be earned through transfer from other academic institutions or from noncollegiate organizations. Many other colleges report a maximum amount, usually 15 to 30 credits for a four-year degree program. Institutions may also limit the amount of credit granted toward any given subject area. Furthermore, institutions that do not have degree programs that complement the noncollegiate learning experiences may modify the amount of credit awarded or may even decline to award credit for the courses completed by students. Two-year colleges, while generally very willing to consider awarding credit for NCCRS evaluated learning experiences, usually have limited flexibility in awarding a large amount of transfer credit because many of their associate degree programs are very structured. When individuals seek credit for a large number of NCCRS evaluated learning experiences (or a large amount of credit), it is more likely that a four-year institution or a nontraditional college whose mission is to offer adult oriented, distance learning, or nonresidential degrees would have more latitude within their degree programs to award credit.