Coopersmith Career Consulting | Evaluated Learning Experience
Business Negotiation (BUS-355)
Varies (self-study; self-paced).
April 2019 - Present.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: summarize the stages and elements of the negotiation process; compile the skills and techniques of a successful negotiator; differentiate negotiation styles and mental models, analyze their own behavior in negotiations; contrast the methods to counter manipulation and psychological press in negotiations; discuss the actions taken at different stages of negotiations; explain the important of pre-negotiation and post-negotiation phases and compare the roles and functions in negotiation teams; analyze the skills of organizing and managing negotiation teams; clarify the purposes of the best alternative to a negotiated agreement; and differentiate between positions from interests in negotiations.
This course provides students with the ability to develop analytical and communication skills necessary for successful negotiations, as a complex three-stage process, consisting of preparation, negotiating, and post-negotiation implementation and evaluation. Instruction combines both theoretical knowledge of leading negotiation scholars and practical experience through learning by doing. Instructional methods include: study guide, required readings, and a final exam.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Management, Marketing, Paralegal Studies, Operations Management, Human Resources, or Entrepreneurship Studies (4/19).