Coopersmith Career Consulting | Evaluated Learning Experience
Educational Psychology (PSY-204)
Varies (self-study; self-paced).
August 2018 - Present.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: describe the skills that make a good teacher and how to evaluate an intentional teacher; break down how children develop cognitively, socially and emotionally; examine the impact of culture on teaching and learning; analyze the principles of behavioral and cognitive learning; determine how direct instruction, student-centered and constructivist approaches to instruction influence intentional teaching; discuss the elements of effective instruction; investigate motivation for student performance; illustrate the characteristics of effective learning environments; identify learners with exceptionalities; and assess student learning through standardized tests.
This course provides a systematic study of learners, learning, and teaching and emphasizes cognitive, social and moral development while also focusing on educational diversity. Instruction also focuses on motivating students to learn, creating effective learning environments, and assessing student learning.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Education or Psychology (8/18).