Coopersmith Career Consulting | Evaluated Learning Experience
Infant and Toddler Development and Care (ECE-325)
Varies (self-study; self-paced).
March 2021 - Present.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: analyze the programs that serve infants, toddlers, and families, the importance of a knowledgeable professional, and how to apply the relationship-based approach; describe implications for families and teachers in the diversity of family structures; explain the meaning of relationship-based theory, transactional and unified theory, biological systems theory, and ecobiodevelopmental theory; describe the major points of emotional and social development theories; explain how observation is a part of the assessment and the different types of assessment strategies; investigate the development of the fetus through the third trimester; explain the history and importance of attachment relationships and emotional learning and the effects of maternal depression; identify aspects of knowing the child—social development: communication, play, prosocial behavior, and conflict with peers and special needs; analyze how infants and toddlers develop cognitively within relationships, including cultural influences, the approaches to learning, the concepts they learn, and strategies to support learning; describe the basic policies and procedures necessary to keep infants and toddlers in group care safe and healthy; explain how to create a family and culturally sensitive program; create a responsive, relationship-based environment, including quality learning spaces, equipment, toys, and materials; analyze strategies and programs that are effective with children who exhibit challenging behavior and experience mental health issues; analyze how early development and learning programs can be effective in natural environments; evaluate key aspects of being an infant-toddler teacher, including the nature of the relationships with children, families, colleagues, and yourself; explain the elements of a relationship-based, reflective program, including the 3R approach (respect, reflect, and relate), reflective supervision, and mentoring and being mentored.
Infant and Toddler Development and Care (ECE-325) teaches participants strategies and best practices for infant and toddler development and care. Course participants examine factors that influence the emotional and social development of infants and toddlers. The readings and practice materials included in this course are designed to effectively develop the necessary skills students need to understand and promote learning for infants and toddlers. Students study and examine the theories, program models, and developmentally appropriate practices for students in early learning. Additionally, students explore basic policies and procedures necessary to keep infants and toddlers in group care safe, healthy, and developing.
In the lower division baccalaureate / associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Education, Early Childhood Studies (5/21).