Coopersmith Career Consulting | Evaluated Learning Experience
Introduction to Forensic Science (JUS-177)
Varies (self-study; self-paced).
March 2021 - Present.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: describe the history and development of forensic science; outline the proper procedures for securing, assessing, and processing crime scenes; describe the proper handling, value, and capabilities of DNA evidence; compare the various types and analysis methods of physical and trace evidence; explain the fundamental analysis of ballistic evidence, tool mark, and other impressions; and discuss the importance of Serology and blood spatter analysis.
Introduction to Forensic Science (JUS-177)) examines the principles, theories, and practices of forensic science utilized within the law enforcement community and the American legal system. Forensic science is the study and application of science to the process of law and involves the collection, examination, evaluation and interpretation of evidence. Students will gain a basic understanding of the scientific and analytical approach to determining the evidence's value related to the court of law.
In the associate degree / certificate category, 3 semester hours in Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, Forensics, Law, or Forensic Biologic Science (5/21).