Coopersmith Career Consulting | Evaluated Learning Experience
WWII in the Pacific (HIS-427)
Varies (self-study; self-paced).
March 2022 - Present.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: trace the development of the causes that led to the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific: compare and contrast American and Japanese military preparedness on the eve of World War II: illustrate the influence of Japanese social attitudes on their offensive and defensive capabilities, mode of battle, and approach towards surrender; identify the main battles of World War II in the Pacific and the goals and consequences of each, as well as evaluate the efficacy of each side’s effort; describe the role of leadership and morale in the execution of World War II in the Pacific; achieve familiarity with major military hardware used in World War II in the Pacific, varying strengths on each side, and developments that changed the nature of battles in this war; describe the position of different military leaders in key questions such as whether further attacks should proceed on Pearl Harbor and how the Japanese homeland should be conquered; deduce lessons from the battles and decisions of World War II that are instructive to those engaged in military planning; and explain the significance of events that are considered main turning points in the war.
World War II in the Pacific (HIS-427) will assess the student’s knowledge of World War II in the Pacific theater. The course will trace the roots of the conflict and explain the relative preparations of the American and Japanese forces in the years leading up the conflict. The goals, efficacy, and consequences of all major attacks and battles in the Pacific are discussed. The student will become familiar with tension and cooperation between different services and between key players in the Allied forces. Japanese attitudes, which led to aggressive imperialism, suicide missions and hesitation to capitulate, are analyzed. The roles of morale and leadership are also addressed.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in History, or Historiography (2/22).