Davar Academy, LLC | Evaluated Learning Experience
Jewish Philosophy of Faith (PHI 250)
Varies – self study.
May 2022 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: express how reason and knowledge can be used as proofs of God's existence: present arguments intended to prove the unity of God as well explain what is meant by the unity of God; discuss the essential attributes of God such as existence, unity, and eternity, and how these attributes differ from those that are derived from God’s activity and oversight in the world; identify the various teleological arguments found in Jewish sources and how they are intended to influence man; discuss various forms of worship and how they are related to the broader philosophical system; identify the sources and reasoning which are the foundation of faith in divine providence, reward and punishment, and man’s duty and purpose to elevate his being.
This course explores the philosophy of Bahya ben Joseph ibn Paquda, c. 1050–1120. Rabbi Bahya’s system presumes that Jewish faith is a spiritual truth founded on reason, revelation (the written Law), and tradition, with focus on how these foundations impact the willingness and the readiness of the Jewish faithful to practically perform life's duties. Topics include arguments for God’s existence and unity, God’s attributes, worship, law, divine providence, immortality of the soul, purpose of man, humility, and love of God.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Judaic Studies, Religious Studies, or Philosophy (3/22).