Formerly Children's Literature LIT 240 (LIT 240); also Children's Literature
Version 1: 45 hours (5 to 15 weeks). Version 2: 45 hours (5 to 12 weeks).
Faith Builders Educational Programs, 28527 Guys Mills Road, Guys Mills, PA.
Version 1: September 1999 - April 2007. Version 2: May 2007 - Present.
Instructional delivery format:
Traditional classroom model
Version 1: Major topics covered in the course are divided into 4 major components: overview, studying the various genres of children's literature, creating and experiencing interactive activities, and developing a standard to evaluate children's literature. The first section introduces a foundational purpose, historical perspective and primary elements of children's literature. The other 3 sections are integrated throughout the term. Several genres are introduced each week, interspersed with hands-on activities. Students critically evaluate books read in class and assigned reading. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, role play, collaborative learning and practical experience. Evaluation criteria include tests, projects, response papers and presentations (including a read aloud) and a paper. Version 2: Major topics covered in the course are divided into four major components: overview, studying the various genres of children's literature, creating and experiencing interactive activities, and developing a standard to evaluate children's literature. The first section introduces a foundational purpose, historical perspective and primary elements of children's literature. The other three sections are integrated throughout the term. Several genres are introduced each week, interspersed with hands-on activities. Students critically evaluate books read in class and assigned reading. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, role play, collaborative learning, and practical experience. Evaluation criteria include tests, projects, presentations, and a research paper.