Genesis University (formerly Association for Hebraic Studies Institute) | Evaluated Learning Experience
The Exceptional Child: Teaching Students with Disabilities and Special Healthcare Needs (EDU 304) and (ECE 304)
Distance learning course administered through Genesis University.
February 2011 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: discuss federal regulations related to children with exceptionalities; describe the characteristics of various types of exceptionalities, including those with health impairments and their special healthcare needs; practice various instructional approaches appropriate for exceptional children; utilize educational programming and resources, including assistive technologies and adaptive equipment appropriate for various types of exceptionalities; discuss the role of the IFSP and IEP in the educational planning process for young children; use screening and assessment to support the learning and service needs of exceptional children; discuss the function of Child Find and teachers' roles in that process; facilitate school, family, and community collaboration strategies to serve the needs of exceptional children; create learning environments that support the learning and development of exceptional children; and facilitate the development of children in inclusive and segregated learning environments.
Topics include: characteristics and educational needs of exceptional learners, including physical, intellectual, and special healthcare needs; understanding students with specific exceptionalities and the appropriate instructional approaches and resources to serve their needs; collaboration of teachers and families to serve the needs of exceptional children.
In the upper division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Elementary Education, or Special Education (4/11) (9/16 revalidation) (11/22 revalidation).