Institute of Leadership and Ministry, Inc. | Evaluated Learning Experience
HIS-020 History of the Church II (from the Reform to the 21 Century) / Historia de la Iglesia II (de la reformaal siglo 21)
50 hours (5 weeks).
September 2021 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: Have a holistic vision of the history of the christian church starting from the postulates established by the protestant reform; identify the influence and development in society, culture and politics; understand the most important theological currents and their consequences in the contemporary church.
Instruction is offered completely online or in synchronous format through the use of study guides, required and supplemental readings, quizzes, homework, lab-required interaction with the instructor, and/or final exams. The course assesses students’ end-of-course knowledge and skills in an online format. Major topics taught in this course include a panoramic view of the history of the Christian church from the Protestant Reformation, its development and influence on society, culture and politics. It also includes the most important theological currents and their consequences in the contemporary church. This course is held virtually through the ZOOM platform, synchronously and/or online using the Populi platform.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Introduction to Church History, Introduction to Western Christianity, Christianity I, or Introduction to the Reformation (9/21).