LawShelf Educational Media | Evaluated Learning Experience
Intentional and Negligence Torts (TOR-301)
Various (self-study, self-paced).
December 2021 - Present.
At the completion of this course, students will be able to: Define the torts of battery, assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and trespass; Differentiate between the torts of trespass to chattel and conversion; Distinguish between public and private nuisance and explain them both; List the elements of negligence and apply them to given cases; Identify potential tortious interferences with contracts, misrepresentation, and malicious prosecution cases; Pinpoint the different defenses to torts and demonstrate when they may apply.
The Intentional and Negligence Torts course introduces students to the most common torts and the bases upon which personal injury actions arise. It covers a variety of intentional torts and their elements as well as the caveats and limitations of various tort actions.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Legal Principles, Legal Studies, Paralegal Studies, Business Law, Human Resource Management, or Business Management (6/21).