Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience
Advanced Topics in Jewish Thought: Beis HaLevi (PHI300)
Classroom: 39 hours (13 weeks). Distance/Hybrid: Varies.
September 2020 - Present.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to evaluate and explain the fundamental substance of the Beis HaLevi’s formulation of essential concepts of Jewish philosophy, distinguish the Beis HaLevi’s distinctive methodology in exegesis of biblical and rabbinic sources, and recognize and analyze the theological and ethical ideas expressed in prior works of Jewish philosophy as they are addressed and developed in the Beis HaLevi’s writings. Students will be able to interpret classic and modern Jewish philosophical work with greater skill and knowledge of philosophical terms.
Major topics taught in this course include: Connection between the golden calf and the giving of the Torah, Moshe’s response to the golden calf, the power of Repentance, merits, demerits and consequences in the balance of human behavior, “E-he-ye-h asher E-he-ye-h” as a principle in accountability, Yitzchak, Rivka and Esav - the concept of the firstborn, the value of charity as a conduit to goodness and abundance, the dialogues of Rabbi Akiva and Tyranus Rufus, purposes of the ten plagues, connection between the ten plagues and the sin of the golden calf, understanding the sin of the golden calf, understanding the concept of mitzvos, red heifer in the repentance process, why remember Amalek, and the answer to the wicked son in the Haggadah. Topics and exegetists may vary. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion and textual preparations. Prerequisite: Ability to read and comprehend Hebrew language, familiarity with courses in Biblical texts and exegesis, two courses in Jewish Philosophy, or permission from the instructor.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Philosophy, Judaic Studies, Hebrew Bible, or Religious Studies (3/21).