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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience

Topics in the Books of Chronicles I & II (REL249)


Classroom: 39 hours (13 weeks). Distance/Hybrid: Varies. 

Traditional classroom-based offered at Maalot, Jerusalem, and other authorized locations. Distance learning and hybrid options available.

September 2020 - Present.

Instructional delivery format: 
Traditional classroom model
Online/distance learning
Hybrid course/exam
Learner Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to recognize and compare similar events described in Prophets and then summarized in Diverei Hayamim (Chronicles I and II) and analyze why events were described from different perspectives. As a result of a significant number of assignments throughout the semester, students will be able to compare and analyze classical Jewish texts and primary sources written through the span of Jewish history.


Major topics taught in this course include: Trials, Free will, Tanach – history book or blueprint for history, purpose of genealogies, recurring themes in the Book of Judges, and responsibility to the nation, purpose of the Temple, King David as initiator of the Temple construction, the wisdom of Solomon, Solomon as viewed by the Prophets, the quality of leadership relative to their generations, Amon and Moav and their relationship to Mashiach, the end of the merit of the fathers, prostitutes mentioned in the Tanach, the criteria of Prophecy, man’s responsibility in the time of Moshiach, and repentance. Topics and sources may vary. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion and textual preparations. Prerequisite: Ability to read and comprehend Hebrew language, familiarity or prior courses in Biblical texts and exegesis.

Credit recommendation: 

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Hebrew Bible, Judaic Studies or Religious Studies (3/21).
