Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience
Chassidic Writings - Tanya I (REL275)
Classroom: 39 hours (13 weeks). Distance/Hybrid: Varies.
September 2009 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: articulate the foundations of Chabad Chassidic philosophy and support the discussion with appropriate textual sources; recognize, define and apply the terminology of Chabad philosophy; compare and contrast Chabad Chassidic writings with other Jewish philosophical works.
Major topics taught in this course include: the structure of Tanya, the basic terminology of Tanya, the Divine Soul, the self and the ways and means of achieving a closer understanding of G-d, self and fellow man, the philosophy of Chabad as a practical manual for understanding of self-relationship to fellow man, outlook on the world and relationship to Hashem, Unity of G-d, the interplay of emotion and intellect, “Nothingness,” “creation from nothingness, Gimatrias. Topics may vary. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, and textual preparation. Prerequisite: Background knowledge in Jewish Religion and Philosophy.