The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts, 39 West 19th Street, New York, NY.
September 1992 - June 2001.
Learner Outcomes:
Stimulate a sensually alive body; define alignment, strength, flexibility, and sensitivity to musical phrasing; open blocked and tense areas of the body; integrate voice and body.
Continuation of the study of the body as a physical language covered in Movement Level I with projects that introduce physical impediments to character and style while acting. This course also increases the use of voice work into each student's physical warm up and the control of breath and sound. (Prerequisite: Movement Level I (THE104/DAN101) or (DAN101).)
Credit recommendation:
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category or in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Theatre, Drama, or Dance (11/97).