Course 1: Major topics include: plumb line analysis, goniometer use, evaluation terminology, range of motion, muscle origin, insertion, innervation, and action, muscles of facial expression, mastication, the neck, upper back, and shoulder, abductors of the shoulder, shoulder join, muscles of the upper arm, pronators/supinator of the arm, extensors of the wrist and hand, evaluation of the elbow, muscles of the thumb, flexors of the wrist and hand, muscles of the hand and digit minim. Course 2: Major topics include: trigger points, gait and ataxia tests,muscles of respiration, erectors of the spine, articulating muscles of the head, neck, and back, evaluation of the neck, muscles of postural support, evaluations of the back, muscles of the hip, evaluation of the hip joint; basic structural kinesiology, muscles of the quadriceps and hamstring groups, adductors of the hip, evaluation of knee joint, muscles of the posterior lower leg and toes, peroneals and extensors of the toes, and evaluation of the ankle. NOTE: Laboratory work is not included in either course.