Rechtschaffen Institute of Judaic Studies | Evaluated Learning Experience
Human Resource Management (BUS 302)
Varies; self-study format.
March 2021 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the learning experience, students will be able to: appreciate the importance of Human Resource Management, line and staff functions of Human Resource Management, and the trends influencing Human Resource Management; establish the relationship between organization’s corporate level strategy and strategic human resource management strategy, understand the importance of workforce analytics and data mining in identifying and resolving actual human resource management problems and improving organizational effectiveness; describe the use of different methods in collecting job analysis information and produce a job description from the job analysis; identify and describe the purpose of different sections in a job specification form; identify the human resources needs of an organization or department and be able to describe the different methods of workforce planning and forecasting, evaluate the methods and sources of forecasting the supply of inside candidates as well as outside candidates; describe the importance of assessing the reliability and validity of employee selection tests; describe the different types of tests and job types for which a given test is suitable; differentiate between the unstructured and structured interview, describe the different types of interview, discuss the errors that are likely to undermine interview’s usefulness and the techniques to conduct effective interviews; describe the purpose of employee orientation training, evaluate the usefulness of different types of training programs and steps that can be taken to assess training effectiveness; explain how you would use the alternation ranking method, paired comparison method, forced distribution method and behaviorally anchored rating scale, assess the pros and cons of four performance appraisal tools, discuss the problems that can arise during performance appraisal process and steps that can be taken to overcome these problems.
Major topics include: overview of Human Resources Management field; personnel management; organizational theories and human resources; job analysis and design; staffing in organizations; training and development in organizations; performance appraisals; employee compensation issues; employment law and employee rights; labor relations; international human resource management; and current issues and trends in Human Resources Management.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resources Management, Management, or Marketing (8/21).