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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Rechtschaffen Institute of Judaic Studies | Evaluated Learning Experience

The Laws of the Sabbath: The Rabbinical Laws (Jewish Law 350)

Formerly The Laws of the Sabbath: Advanced Topics (Jewish Law 250) and The Laws of the Sabbath: Time Frame and Rabbinical Institutions (Jewish Law 310); The Laws of the Sabbath: Advanced Topics (Jewish Law 250)

Varies; self-study format.

Various; distance learning format.
November 2011 - Present.
Instructional delivery format: 
Online/distance learning
Learner Outcomes: 

Students will be able to: identify and explain fundamental philosophy behind the prohibition of working Sabbath; identify, explain, analyze, interpret, and apply theoretical law in the following areas: desisting from weekday activities and occupations, avoiding preparations for after Sabbath with the allowance for positive commandments, speaking about work, excessive exertion, doing work on the eve of the Sabbath, non-movable objects (muktza) due to value, forbidden use, non-designation for use; asking a non-Jew to perform work (amira l"akum) including the causes of prohibitions and allowances for the criteria by which they are determined; identify the distinction between different prohibitions and their causes, discuss underlying principles; determine when leniencies apply; describe their impact on the Sabbath behavior; and apply principles to practical scenarios. In regards to the time frame of the Sabbath, students will able to: discuss the laws pertaining to candle lighting at the commencement of Sabbath; identify who may light and where one may light a candle; apply theory to practice; solve problematic scenarios regarding candle lighting; demonstrate knowledge regarding laws and customs related to the conclusion of Sabbath and the custom of Havdallah. Students will also be able to identify the distinction between similar prohibitions and their causes; discuss the underlying principles and determine when leniencies apply; describe their impact on Sabbath behavior; and apply the principles to practical scenarios.


Jewish Law 350 includes an extensive study-guide and required reading with a final exam administered through the Rechtschaffen Institute of Judaic Studies.

Credit recommendation: 

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 4 semester hours in History, Judaic Studies, Near Eastern Studies, or Religion (11/11) (3/16 revalidation) (8/21 revalidation). NOTE: This course was previously offered as two discrete courses: The Laws of the Sabbath: Advanced Topics (Jewish Law 250) and The Laws of the Sabbath: Time Frame and Rabbinical Institutions (Jewish Law 310). Please refer to the exhibits for The Laws of the Sabbath: Advanced Topics (Jewish Law 250) and The Laws of the Sabbath: Time Frame and Rabbinical Institutions (Jewish Law 310). 
