Theological Research Institute, Ltd. (TRI) | Evaluated Learning Experience
Great Women of Tanach (LIT 310)
Self-study, self-paced.
August 2021 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the learning experience, students will be able to: answer questions about the significant life events and impact of the seven prophetesses; describe the challenges that each of these women faced and how they met these challenges; understand the historical context within which these women lived and how this was significant in the roles they played; analyze lessons from the lives of these extraordinary women and apply them to the challenges of Jewish women living in a modern world; and articulate how these prophetesses navigated their relationships with the significant men in their lives.
The course focuses on seven extraordinary female leaders in the Torah known as the seven Prophetesses - Sara, Miriam, Devorah, Chanah, Avigail, Chuldah, and Ester. Students will study the Torah sections that relate to each of these women, together with select commentaries.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Judaic Studies, Philosophy, Sociology, Literature, Religious Studies, Bible Studies, Hebrew Language, or Women’s Studies (8/21).