Theological Research Institute, Ltd. (TRI) | Evaluated Learning Experience
Lifespan Development (PSY 340)
Self-study, self-paced.
June 2021 - Present
Upon successful completion of the learning experience, students will be able to understand the sequence of human development, the processes underlying developmental change and stability, and the theoretical perspectives currently being used to examine human development; understand the research methods currently being used to examine human development; understand explanations for individual differences in development; and understand ethical principles underlying developmental research with children and adults.
This course provides students with an introduction to the theories, concepts, research methods, and findings relevant to the study of human development throughout the lifespan. Major developmental theories and issues are presented. Emphasis is placed on the integration of lifespan principles and concepts into individual social contexts. The effects of heredity and environment and ethical issues surrounding development are also explored.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology, or Allied Health (1/22).