Theological Research Institute, Ltd. (TRI) | Evaluated Learning Experience
Multivariate Data Analysis (BUS 205)
Self-study, self-paced.
October 2018 - Present.
Upon successful completion of this learning experience, students will be able to: analyze the concepts of analyzing multivariate data; outline matrix competency with general aspects of handling multivariate data; identify a range of multivariate techniques available; establish a link between multivariate techniques and corresponding univariate techniques; use multivariate techniques appropriately; and undertake multivariate hypothesis tests and draw appropriate conclusions.
Multivariate Statistical techniques are important tools of analysis in all fields of management: Finance, Production, Accounting, Marketing, and Personnel Management. In addition, they play key roles in the fundamental disciplines of the social science: Economics, Psychology, Sociology, etc. This course is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of the basic concepts underlying the most important multivariate techniques with an overview of actual applications in various fields, and with experience in actually using such techniques on a problem of their own choosing. The course will address underlying mathematics and problems of applications. Prerequisite knowledge and competence in statistics and mathematics is needed.
In the lower division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Accounting, Business, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, Data Science, Economics, Finance, Statistics, or Marketing (10/20 revalidation).