Theological Research Institute, Ltd. (TRI) | Evaluated Learning Experience
Professional Development and Mentoring (PSY 410)
90 hours.
August 2021 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the learning experience, students will be able to describe the salient features of mentoring relationships; demonstrate an understanding of a range of mentoring practices that correspond to adult learning theories, including problems, or behavioral specific needs of the mentee; identify variances in mentoring behaviors that may be recommended in different gender and/or racial mentor-mentee relationships; develop a model mentoring plan for management of a school or district mentoring program that improves teacher performance using EDUCATEAlabama; recommend a method to measure the effects of a mentoring relationship related to the mentor, mentee, and organization; and organize and develop a research-based field experience mentoring design related to mentoring in the educational setting that focuses on providing high-quality learning experiences, coaching, and feedback.
This course is focused on the development of knowledge and skills related to a mentor-mentee relationship. Using collaborative teaching and learning strategies, this course engages in the examination of mentor behaviors and skills focused on mental development through the use of research, observation, and field experience practice. The core of this course’s instructional content is anchored in practical, embedded field experiences, designed collaboratively with school principals, mentors and coaches and focused on improving teacher performance.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology, Education, Educational Psychology, Adult Education, Continuing Education, or Educational Planning (8/21).