Formerly Talmud: Ketubot Intensive (T321, T331)
65 hours (13 weeks); in addition, 247 hours of supervised peer study.
Yeshiva Shaarei Torah of Rockland, 91 West Carlton Road, Suffern, New York.
September 1998 - July 2003.
Instructional delivery format:
Traditional classroom model
Learner Outcomes:
Prepare a textual, linguistic, and legal analysis of the applicable Aramaic Talmudic material; conceptualize and articulate the reasoning behind the various legal citations and opinions, honing and applying analytical skills to Talmudic explication, argumentation, and resolution as the basis for halochot analysis and final decision making; discuss classical Talmudic topical concepts and document a grasp of the technical as well as theoretical aspects of the Talmudic portions studied.