LIUNA Training and Education Fund | Evaluated Learning Experience
Concrete Worker-Basic CONCR.B
40 hours.
April 2011 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: list the three most common types of concrete work; define the following terms: grade, sub-grade, foundation/footing, slab, finished grade, batterboards and string lines; lay out a batter-board and string-line setup for a slab using a leveling instrument to establish proper grade; calculate volume quantities for regular and irregular shapes to within 0.02 cubic yards; calculate the amount of concrete needed for various concrete forms of certain dimensions; describe and identify basic hardware, tools and common forming systems; describe three safety hazards associated with concrete formwork operations and describe at least one action to take in preventing each hazard; given a drawing of a slab to be built, list the tools, equipment, hardware and materials needed to lay out and build the formwork for the slab; given the necessary tools, hardware and materials, lay out and build the formwork for a slab, wall and column to within 0.02” grade; describe at least two hazards of form removal and cleanup, and describe at least one method to protect against each hazard; demonstrate form cleaning, stacking and storage procedures; describe five basic types of Portland cement and the uses of each; list five common concrete admixtures; describe the effects of each admixture in placement, consolidation, and finishing concrete; describe the primary health effect caused by skin exposure to cement, and identify the personal protective equipment (PPE) used to prevent skin exposure; describe five methods of transporting concrete to the placement area, and at least one situation that warrants each method; identify at least three tools used in concrete placement; describe three problems that can result from over-vibration of placed concrete and three problems that can result from under-vibration of placed concrete; demonstrate concrete placement techniques for slabs and walls; identify common tools used for finishing concrete and describe the purpose of each tool; describe three methods for curing concrete; demonstrate proper concrete finishing technique and at least one method of curing concrete.
Major topics include: the safety issues associated with the mixing, forming, placement, and curing of concrete materials, as well as the associated skills needed to prepare a site for concrete placement, building forms, estimating concrete quantities, concrete placement, consolidation and finishing, concrete repair, sawing, coring and drilling. Ample time is given for hands-on practice for all skills.
In the associate/certificate degree category, 2 semester hours in Construction Technology (4/16) (4/21 revalidation).