LIUNA Training and Education Fund | Evaluated Learning Experience
Pipeline Technology PIPE.TECH
64 hours.
April 2011 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: define the term “The Spread”; name the chain of command on a pipeline job; list seven employee obligations; name three general hazards associated with working on a pipeline; explain the “common sense” approach to hazard recognition; define what a “pinch point” is; list five pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) commonly used on pipeline projects; give the minimum clearance between overhead power lines and any part of a crane or load; explain the use of “goal posts”; name two causes of trench failures or cave-ins; list the three main protective systems used to protect against cave-ins; identify the weakest soil type, and describe how it affects the slope of the trench walls; explain the difference between shoring and shielding; specify at what height a walkway over a trench bottom requires handrails; identify one of the hazards of confined spaces; name the type of information found on safety data sheets (SDSs); explain why there must be a controlled access area set up when the device used to x-ray welds is in use; explain why hooking and unhooking mud mats is dangerous; name at least four actions you can take to prevent heat stress; name at least four actions you can take to prevent cold stress; demonstrate proper lifting technique; name the most commonly injured part of the back, and explain why it is so frequently injured; list at least five types of work that Construction Craft Laborers (CCLs) perform on a pipeline project; describe the process of rigging pipe joints using a side boom with wire rope slings and hooks; explain the benefits of using a vacuum lift; demonstrate three methods for securing loads; explain the difference between right of way (ROW) stakes and ditch stakes; describe the purpose of station numbers; name two reasons for having overnight fire watches; list the steps for opening and closing a fence gap; list the duties of a CCL when using pumps to dewater a trench; describe two ways of making yourself more visible to an equipment operator when giving signals; explain when voice commands need to be used; state what skids are used for; name a safety precaution you should take when flagging traffic; describe the correct method for crossing equipment over paved roads; list three types of protective barriers installed by the environmental crew; define “soil compaction”; give an example of a problem caused by backfill soil that wasn’t compacted properly; list three of the factors to consider when determining the amount of compaction needed to compact backfill to the proper density; name two types of compaction equipment that a CCL will routinely operate; explain how and when to clean the tracks of equipment; list three “good housekeeping” tasks; explain the two main purposes of a warehouse; describe one task that Construction Craft Laborers (CCLs) perform during the setup of a jobsite warehouse; list and describe three ongoing tasks that CCLs do at a warehouse; describe the process of setting up a storage trailer; describe how to safely unload pipe being delivered to a job; state what a “staging area” is and what it is used for; describe the proper steps involved in preparing drinking water for a crew; explain what a berm is and what it is used for; explain why “good housekeeping” and organization are important; list three hazards of warehouse work; explain the main task of the Line Locating Crew; paraphrase the main sequence of steps the Line Locating Crew goes through to locate an underground line; list three hazards of rupturing an underground utility line; name three steps that are taken before excavation begins; explain what “One-Call” systems are and what purpose they serve; identify five indicators from records or from the field that may signal the presence of an underground utility; tell what an alignment sheet is and what information it provides; correctly identify at least five of the nine color-coded surface markings; list two common types of temporary markers; explain what an M-scope is and what it is used for; explain what potholing is; demonstrate the process of potholing an underground utility line; tell what a protective barrier is; list at least three signs you may see during potholing that may indicate an underground line is nearby; explain what a hydro-vac is and what it is used for; tell why it is important to inspect the coating of uncovered lines; list the information that should be listed on temporary markings that are installed after a “find”; list at least four things CCLs do during the line locating process; describe the main task of the fence crew; identify one thing you need to do before clearing brush; describe a situation where existing fence is saved for reuse; describe a gap; demonstrate the ability to build a temporary gap, including the use of a power auger and construction of an H-brace; explain the general sequence used to build a straight gap; explain the general sequence used to build an angled gap; describe a power augur and what it is used for; explain how to properly open and close a gap; explain why it is important to close a gap securely; identify the PPE commonly worn by members of the fence crew; describe the general work of the clearing crew; list three tasks performed by CCLs on the clearing crew; tell why it is important that all work remain within the limits of the right-of-way; describe what a point of intersection (PI) is and where it is used; list four observable signs to help recognize the ROW; describe the most common type of marking device; list five colors of flagging, and explain what they stand for; explain two of the considerations the must be taken into account during controlled burning operations; explain why operating chippers can be dangerous, and list six safety procedures to help minimize this risk; list three things a swamper does while assisting heavy equipment operators on the clearing crew; describe the type of work done by the environmental crew; list three reasons why environmental protection is important; list three types of erosion control methods; explain the purpose of a silt fence and demonstrate how to correctly set up and dismantle a silt fence; list two types of ditch breaks and where they are used; identify three common hazards of environmental protection work; describe the general work of the grade crew; explain why grading the ROW is important; list two specific tasks of the grad crew; list at least one role of a CCL on a grade crew; describe the role of a swamper; list three important precautions that the grade crew should observe; explain the main job of the ditch crew; describe what a soft plug and hard plug are; list one task that must be completed when excavating a ditch in a wet area; list two types of heavy equipment commonly used to excavate a ditch; list three duties of CCLs on ditch crews; explain what offset stakes are and what they are used for; list two do’s and don’ts when guiding an equipment operator; explain why it is important to open and close gaps properly; identify the risk experienced by the ditch crew that results in the most injuries and fatalities each year; list two methods of preventing cave-ins; state at what ditch depth cave-in prevention measures become required; describe the main task of the rock ditch crew; describe two tasks of the drill crew; describe two tasks of the powder crew; describe the main task of the matting crew; list two common types of heavy equipment used when matting; list three hazards associated with working on the rock ditch crew; list the main method used to clear an area and announce an upcoming blast; list three tasks of the rock ditch crew that require additional training; explain the main task of a skid crew; tell what a skid is and what it is used for; explain why it is important to keep pipe up off the ground; explain why proper spacing of skids on the ROW is important; identify four common configurations of skids: stacked, slide, crib/pigpen, and crotch; demonstrate the ability to build safe and secure support structures out of skids; explain the reason for adding padding to skids, and list common padding materials; list five activities done during the mainline activities phase of pipeline construction; state the methods for protecting and securing pipe for hauling; identify two of the common materials used to pad skids; explain when and why you need to double up pipe joints when stringing them along the ROW; name two markings written on the pipe by the bending engineer and his or her helpers; describe the process of rigging the pipe and putting it through the bending machine; identify two common types of bends; give the reason for rolling seams when setting up pipe in preparation for welding; explain what carry-back is and what you should do if you lose it; state the reason why special PPE is required when working in the vicinity of the end-facing machine; describe the hazard associated with weld X-ray equipment used to inspect welds on a pipeline project; define nightcaps; explain why the coating on the pipeline is important; explain why proper sandblasting is important to the coating process; give a definition for “sand pot”; demonstrate the process of setting up sandblasting equipment; demonstrate how to use a sand blaster to prepare pipe for coating; name three of the basic maintenance duties you will perform on sandblasting equipment; describe the proper PPE for sandblasting with silica sand; list the three types of epoxy coatings and demonstrate how to apply them; demonstrate how to apply a shrink sleeve; explain the two types of tape, and demonstrate the methods for applying them; give a brief explanation of what a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is; demonstrate how to jeep the pipe (use a holiday detector); describe and demonstrate three patching methods for repairing holidays; identify four hazards of working on the coating crew; define dewatering; demonstrate how to set up a 3” gas-powered water pump; describe, in general, what a CCL will be doing to maintain water pumps; describe ditch soil conditions that may adversely affect pipe coating; state the minimum depth of soil that is required for bedding material; explain how to rig a pipe for lowering-in using a roller cradle; describe how to rig a pipe for lowering-in using a lowering-in sling; describe the need and requirements for protecting the pipe and coating during placement (lowering-in); explain how skids are used in the trench during lowering-in; describe how to prevent damage to coating during backfill operations; explain why there is a CCL assigned to perform fire watch duties during the tie-in process; define a pup joint; explain what a bell hole is; give a brief explanation of why zinc ribbon is placed in the ditch along both sides of the pipeline; describe how to verify pipeline wall thickness and location; demonstrate how CAD-weld test leads onto a pipe; describe how to select a location for an exothermic weld (CAD-weld), the exothermic weld size, and the appropriate furnace/mold; describe the final steps associated with test lead installation, as part of the cathodic protection system; describe the difference between a cradle auger boring machine and a track auger boring machine; explain what a “deadman” is and how it is used when boring with a cradle auger boring machine; explain what slurry is and how it is used when boring or drilling; describe the process, when using horizontal directional drilling, of obtaining the appropriately sized hole for the pipe being used; list three hazards associated with boring under roads; explain why you could have problems from stopping while pulling the pipe through the hole passing under a river, made by a horizontal directional drilling machine; explain how the cutting head of a horizontal directional drilling machine is “steered”; list three of the cleanup duties CCLs will be expected to perform; explain the main purpose of testing a pipeline before it is put into service; name the most common method of testing a pipe; identify and describe the purpose of the “pig” that is used for pipeline testing; describe the general steps to hydro-test a section of pipeline; explain what a caliper pig is and what it is used for; tell why pressure test results have to be certified; explain why it is important to take accurate temperature readings during pressure testing; describe the biggest hazard that results from pressure testing on a pipeline; describe the general work scope of the cleanup and restoration crew; explain the differences between clean up in urban areas compared to rural areas; describe what must be done to roads and driveways that were disturbed during construction; list three things that are removed by the cleanup and restoration crew; explain three types of permanent erosion control devices; tell where fences need to get rebuilt; list four locations where permanent pipeline markers need to be installed; identify three of the five pieces of information that must appear on a pipeline mile marker; list three of the four things that need to be verified when inspecting an existing pipeline marker; explain the things on private property that must be restored to their original, pre-construction, condition; list three hazards encountered while doing cleanup and restoration work; describe what type of work is considered “specialty work”; list two of the three methods of crossing a river; describe what dredging is and where it is used; describe the general process of floating a pipe across a waterway; describe what happens at a “push site”; explain what an aerial crossing is; describe three tasks that are done at a fabrication yard; explain what “special fabricated devices” are and what purpose they serve on the pipeline; list three things Construction Craft Laborers (CCLs) do at a fabrication yard; define “double jointing,” and tell why it is done; explain why some sections of pipe have concrete installed on them; explain what happens at “pipe yard”; explain what a “tie-down anchor” is and what it is used for; list three hazards of specialty work; describe what is done at a central pipeline control center using a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) control system; explain what a sphere is and what it is used for; describe how the safety record of pipelines compares to other transportation methods; explain what an emergency management plan is and why it is important; describe how pipelines are cleaned of build-up on the inside walls of the pipe; describe what an “aerial” pipeline inspection is and what purpose it serves; describe what a “smart pig” is and what it is used for; explain when the coating on a pipe must be inspected; list three defects that may be found when inspecting the coating of an exposed pipe; list five things that may be found when inspecting the structural integrity of an exposed pipe; list two reasons why an excavation area around an existing pipe may have to be extended; describe a “clock spring repair” and how its use affects the structural integrity of the pipe; and list four abnormal operation conditions that warrant notifying a designated operating representative.
Major topics include: employee obligations, chain of command on a pipeline, general hazards and precautions, trench and excavation safety, soil testing and identification, potholing and underground utility lines, the duties of the various crews (fence, ditch, clearing, etc.), cleaning and inspecting pipes, and fabrication yards. Several of the topics require students to perform tasks or demonstrate skills being taught. Special emphasis is placed on following proper techniques, developing safe work habits, and recognizing unsafe work conditions.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Pipeline Technology or Construction Technology (4/16) (4/21 revalidation).