New York City Department of Education | Evaluated Learning Experience
EDU 710: Classroom Culture and Instructional Methods I (Summer Intensive)
66 hours (7 weeks) and 76 hours of supervised field experience (5 weeks).
June 2022 – Present.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: build a collaborative, equitable, and student-centered classroom culture with supportive relationships for all students; successfully apply the tenets of culturally responsive teaching to curriculum planning, instructional strategies, and classroom management; plan rigorous and engaging, common core aligned instructional materials with a constant lens on differentiation and culturally responsive pedagogy, such that a diverse set of learners can access the curriculum; skillfully collect and use formative data to inform and revise instruction on a daily basis; adopt and utilize data-based reflective practices in order to continuously grow in their teaching practice; develop reasonable time allocations when planning lesson activities, unit plans and a year-long scope and sequence or curriculum maps; and reference student actions, responses and data-supported outcomes as evidence in reflecting on teaching; consistently implement positive and culturally responsive behavior interventions; plan, deliver and refine rigorous and common core aligned instruction; deliver instruction such that a diverse set of learners can access the curriculum; implement multiple methods of checking for understanding at key points in a lesson and a unit; assess student learning and modify instruction based on their emerging strengths and needs; use questioning and discussion techniques that cause students to think, reflect and deepen their understanding and enable all students to contribute; and communicate assessment criteria, monitor student learning and provide actionable feedback to students.
Major topics include: Instructional Vision, Building Relationships, Behavior Management, Delivering Consequences, Managing Classroom Procedures, Starting Class and Entry Procedures, Co-Teaching Models, The Coaching Relationship, Introduction to Standards and Planning, Creating Objectives and Assessments, Delivering Direct Instruction, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Universal Design for Learning, Planning Questions and Engagement Strategies, Eliciting & Interpreting Student Thinking, Backwards Design, Data-Driven Instruction, Educating All Learners, Reflecting on Implicit Bias, Family and Community Engagement, and Bias in Special Education and Discipline. Prerequisite: Bachelor’s degree.
In the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Education (5/22). NOTE: EDU 700: Classroom Culture and Instructional Methods 1 (Summer intensive) is an accelerated version of the traditional classroom-based course which is taught in conjunction with EDU 720: Clinical Teaching Experience.