New York City Department of Education
The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE), an NCCRS member since February 2018, is the largest school system in the United States, with over 1.1 million students in more than 1,800 schools. Of those students, 13.5 percent are English Language Learners, 19.7 percent are students with disabilities and 74 percent are economically disadvantaged. The DOE covers all five boroughs of New York City.
Titles of all evaluated learning experiences
Source of Official Student Records
Descriptions and credit recommendations for all evaluated learning experiences
- 2. EDU 372: Differentiation and Teaching Students with Disabilities
- 3. EDU 373: Assessment to Promote Academic Achievement
Course 1: 15 hours and and 40 hours field experience (12 weeks). Course 2: 15 hours and and 40 hours field experience (12 weeks). Course 3: 15 hours and 40 hours field experience (12 weeks).
Course 1, 2, and 3: April 2019 - Present.
Course 1: Upon successful completion of the course, students will understand culturally responsive education, and assess effective teaching practices that align with student academic success; use accountable talk while engaging each other in discussions about student behaviors centered around restorative practices; apply appropriate strategies from Teaching with Love and Logic as a classroom management tool within the learning environment; and communicate effective behavioral strategies to co-teachers when trying to diffuse a difficult behavioral situation with a student. Course 2: Upon successful completion of the course, students will apply strategies from Understanding by Design to create highly effective lesson and unit plans; use accountable talk while engaging each other in discussions about how to incorporate it into their lessons; analyze and modify lesson and unit plans in accordance to state learning standards; and evaluate effective strategies for supporting students with disabilities. Course 3: Upon successful completion of the course, students will communicate with co-teachers about specific student skill sets that students can demonstrate and develop; develop and use trackers to trace a student's learning trajectory across various lessons and record growth throughout a lesson or unit; use different types of questions to collect information and influence student understanding; and evaluate specific types of questions to gauge and track student understanding.
Course 1: For new educators, nothing seems more daunting than the first day of school. The excitement of meeting new students, enacting curriculum, and pacing instruction can be overwhelming for those who are new to the profession. Building and nurturing a culture in your classroom is the first step to creating a lasting school community that will be supportive, engaging and empathetic. A classroom which is built upon a unique bond of culture, respect, empathy, and rigorous learning standards will become stronger, and in time, need fewer forced rules and consequences. The ultimate classroom is a community which expounds learning as an objective and self-discipline as a norm. The normative values of the classroom become explicit through the use of culturally relevant teaching techniques, community building experiences, and social justice action, thus creating a classroom that has innate trust and common goals. This course will explore culturally relevant pedagogy, as a way to infuse the lived experiences of your students, to create a highly effective learning community. As well, we will incorporate social justice techniques to create a classroom that values learning throughout the school year. We will go from foundational theories to field practice in order to understand how research is applied. We will then transition into learning how building relationships extends from the classroom to the school community, and explore “who we are” and what are our roles as educators. Course 2: This course will introduce the foundations of backwards planning, differentiated instruction, and using state standards to guide instruction, and other strategies to support students with disabilities. For new educators, planning instruction to support a population of diverse learners is challenging. We will focus on how to meet the academic needs of specific populations of children including students with disabilities, English language learners, and gifted learners. This course will introduce participants to different learning styles, diverse teaching methods and various ways to differentiate instruction to all levels of learners. We will begin by learning state standards, and how they influence instructional planning. We will transition into designing a highly effective unit plan that incorporates learning targets/goals, objectives, differentiated strategies, and instructional outcomes. Course 3: “I taught it, so they must know it” is a very common sentiment among new teachers. With reflection and pause, we know that at times we must assess correctly. In this course, we will explore various forms of assessments that push academic achievement, as well as assessments that allow teachers to understand what conceptual understanding gaps exist and the strategies needed to support student academic needs. We must ensure we are actually assessing what we previously taught, and that we use the proper metrics. Assessments are more than just a formal summative standardized exam or scantron quiz. Many assessments come in the form of daily informal actions we take in the classroom to assess on the spot, which guides us to adjust instructional outcomes in order for all students to meet the class objectives. Other assessments will ensure unit integrity by assessing towards the end of the unit. Daily assessments come in various forms and are needed to guide instruction. Our focus for this course is learning varied tracking techniques, which will allow participants to use assessment results to quantify student success, develop highly effective lesson plans, and guide their daily instruction.
Course 1, 2 and 3: In the upper division baccalaureate division category, 6 semester hours (4 semester hours in Education and 2 semester hours in Education or Special Education) (4/19). NOTE: Students must successfully complete EDU 371: Relationship Building in School Communities, EDU 372: Differentiation and Teaching Students with Disabilities, and EDU 373: Assessment to Promote Academic Achievement to gain access to credit recommendations.
Course 1: 53 hours (20 weeks). Course 2: 480 hours (16 weeks).
Course 1 and 2: January 2020 – Present.
Course 1: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: build a collaborative, equitable, and student-centered classroom culture with supportive relationships for all students; successfully apply the tenets of culturally responsive teaching to curriculum planning, instructional strategies, and classroom management; plan rigorous and engaging, common core aligned instructional materials with a constant lens on differentiation and culturally responsive pedagogy, such that a diverse set of learners can access the curriculum; skillfully collect and use formative data to inform and revise instruction on a daily basis; adopt and utilize data-based reflective practices in order to continuously grow in their teaching practice; develop reasonable time allocations when planning lesson activities, unit plans and a year-long scope and sequence or curriculum maps; and reference student actions, responses and data-supported outcomes as evidence in reflecting on teaching. Course 2: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: use strategies to build a collaborative, equitable, and student-centered classroom culture with supportive relationships for all students; consistently implement positive and culturally responsive behavior interventions; plan, deliver and refine rigorous and common core aligned instruction; deliver instruction such that a diverse set of learners can access the curriculum; implement multiple methods of checking for understanding at key points in a lesson and a unit; assess student learning and modify instruction based on their emerging strengths and needs; use questioning and discussion techniques that cause students to think, reflect and deepen their understanding and enable all students to contribute; and communicate assessment criteria, monitor student learning and provide actionable feedback to students.
Course 1: Major topics include: Instructional Vision, Building Relationships, Behavior Management, Delivering Consequences, Managing Classroom Procedures, Starting Class and Entry Procedures, Co-Teaching Models, The Coaching Relationship, Introduction to Standards and Planning, Creating Objectives and Assessments, Delivering Direct Instruction, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Universal Design for Learning, Planning Questions and Engagement Strategies, Eliciting & Interpreting Student Thinking, Backwards Design, Data-Driven Instruction, Educating All Learners, Reflecting on Implicit Bias, Family and Community Engagement, and Bias in Special Education and Discipline. Course 2: Same as course 1. Prerequisite: Bachelor’s degree.
Course 1 and 2: In the graduate degree category, 9 semester hours in Education (3 semester hours lecture/6 semester hours clinical) (2/18). NOTE: Students must successfully complete both EDU 700: Classroom Culture and Instructional Methods 1 AND EDU 720: Clinical Teaching Experience and to access credit recommendations.
Course 1: 54 hours (20 weeks). Course 2: 480 hours (16 weeks).
Course 1 and 2: January 2020 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: Course 1: build a collaborative, equitable, and student-centered classroom culture with supportive relationships for all students; successfully apply the tenets of culturally responsive teaching to curriculum planning, instructional strategies, and classroom management; plan rigorous and engaging, common core aligned instructional materials with a constant lens on differentiation and culturally responsive pedagogy, such that a diverse set of learners can access the curriculum; skillfully collect and use formative data to inform and revise instruction on a daily basis; adopt and utilize data-based reflective practices in order to continuously grow in their teaching practice; develop reasonable time allocations when planning lesson activities, unit plans and a year-long scope and sequence or curriculum maps; and reference student actions, responses and data-supported outcomes as evidence in reflecting on teaching. Course 2: Same as course 1. Prerequisite: Bachelor’s degree.
Course 1 and 2: Major topics include: Instructional Vision, Building Relationships, Behavior Management, Delivering Consequences, Managing Classroom Procedures, Starting Class and Entry Procedures, Introduction to Standards and Planning, Creating Objectives and Assessments, Delivering Direct Instruction, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Universal Design for Learning, Eliciting & Interpreting Student Thinking, Backwards Design, Data-Driven Instruction, Educating All Learners, Reflecting on Implicit Bias, Family and Community Engagement, and Bias in Special Education and Discipline.
Course 1 and 2: In the graduate degree category, 11 semester hours in Education (5 semester hours lecture/6 semester hours clinical) (2/18). NOTE: Students must successfully complete both EDU 720: Clinical Teaching Experience and EDU 710: Classroom Culture & Instructional Methods 2 to gain access to credit recommendations.
66 hours (7 weeks) and 76 hours of supervised field experience (5 weeks).
June 2022 – Present.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: build a collaborative, equitable, and student-centered classroom culture with supportive relationships for all students; successfully apply the tenets of culturally responsive teaching to curriculum planning, instructional strategies, and classroom management; plan rigorous and engaging, common core aligned instructional materials with a constant lens on differentiation and culturally responsive pedagogy, such that a diverse set of learners can access the curriculum; skillfully collect and use formative data to inform and revise instruction on a daily basis; adopt and utilize data-based reflective practices in order to continuously grow in their teaching practice; develop reasonable time allocations when planning lesson activities, unit plans and a year-long scope and sequence or curriculum maps; and reference student actions, responses and data-supported outcomes as evidence in reflecting on teaching; consistently implement positive and culturally responsive behavior interventions; plan, deliver and refine rigorous and common core aligned instruction; deliver instruction such that a diverse set of learners can access the curriculum; implement multiple methods of checking for understanding at key points in a lesson and a unit; assess student learning and modify instruction based on their emerging strengths and needs; use questioning and discussion techniques that cause students to think, reflect and deepen their understanding and enable all students to contribute; and communicate assessment criteria, monitor student learning and provide actionable feedback to students.
Major topics include: Instructional Vision, Building Relationships, Behavior Management, Delivering Consequences, Managing Classroom Procedures, Starting Class and Entry Procedures, Co-Teaching Models, The Coaching Relationship, Introduction to Standards and Planning, Creating Objectives and Assessments, Delivering Direct Instruction, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Universal Design for Learning, Planning Questions and Engagement Strategies, Eliciting & Interpreting Student Thinking, Backwards Design, Data-Driven Instruction, Educating All Learners, Reflecting on Implicit Bias, Family and Community Engagement, and Bias in Special Education and Discipline. Prerequisite: Bachelor’s degree.
In the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Education (5/22). NOTE: EDU 700: Classroom Culture and Instructional Methods 1 (Summer intensive) is an accelerated version of the traditional classroom-based course which is taught in conjunction with EDU 720: Clinical Teaching Experience.
90 hours (16 weeks).
September 2019 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: understand their role as secondary Students with Disabilities educators in supporting students to be educated in their Least Restrictive Environment as well as their role in engaging in multi-tiered levels of support at the secondary level; understand how to approach equity in special education so that they can begin to define and practice an equity and people-first approach in the classroom; will develop a critically conscious mindset toward education that is critical of systemic and disproportional outcomes for student subgroups; understand theories of neurotypical adolescent development and how the typical features of adolescence as well as identified disability might impact performance in the classroom, with a focus on the academic and social-emotional performance; incorporate social-emotional practices and youth development skills into the classroom environment, taking a progressive restorative – not retributive - approach to behavior and development when responding to student needs and developing an understanding of pedagogical practices that promote a teacher and student growth mindset; and build out an exemplar developmentally appropriate strength-based plan to support student engagement in academics.
This course is taught in an online, module format (with a required textbook) consisting of on-going and cumulative competency-based assessments, collaborative discussion boards, student activity and observations/reflections. Students receive ongoing coaching and feedback from experienced facilitators throughout the process. The program consists of ten modules of coursework in four cycles, focusing on the NYC DOE Vision of Excellent Instruction, theories of adolescent development, and best practices for student transition planning, specially designed instruction, and teaching literacy and math. Prerequisites: Students must possess a bachelor’s degree; hold a valid NYS SwD Grades 1-6 Generalist Certificate; have completed the Liberal Arts Core (college coursework - English Language Arts - 6 S.H.; college coursework - Concepts in Historical and Social Sciences - 6 S.H.; college coursework - Scientific Processes - 6 S.H.; college coursework - Mathematical Processes - 6 S.H.; complete and pass the following exam: Multi-subject: Secondary Teachers CST (241/242/245); and must complete 'Dignity For All Students Act' and Autism workshops.
In the graduate degree category, 6 semester hours total (3 semester hours in Adolescent Development and Transitional Planning, and 3 semester hours in Methods in Special Education and Secondary Special Education) (4/19).
289.5 hours (40 weeks).
August 2021 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe the philosophical, theoretical, and research bases for bilingual education with an emphasis on the local context in New York City; describe the unique and powerful role of bilingual teachers as advocates for English Language Learners; critique the ways in which race and culture impact teaching and learning in the classroom and beyond, and devise a plan for a culturally responsive classroom in which students' unique cultural identities are consistently emphasized and included; assess the literacy, language, and content knowledge demands of assessments; define how language skills, literacy levels, and content learning are interdependent; evaluate different approaches and methodologies consistent with the Communicative Approach; apply and implement instructional strategies to support: language and biliteracy development for students at all levels of language proficiency, comprehensive literacy instruction, and bilingual reading and writing development; describe and apply backwards planning using standards and assessments to current curricula; analyze, critique, select and/or modify instructional resources designed for bilingual teachers; analyze curricular plans to determine alignment to student needs, specifically students with disabilities; and practice implementing lesson plan best practices in content areas, with an emphasis on analyzing student growth within the planning cycle.
This course is taught in an online, module format (with a required textbook) consisting of on-going and cumulative competency-based assessments, collaborative discussion, student activity and observations/reflections. Students receive ongoing coaching and feedback from experienced facilitators throughout the process. The program consists of eighteen modules of coursework in five cycles, focusing on the NYC DOE Vision of Excellent Instruction, foundations of bilingual education and linguistic knowledge, curriculum planning, development, and implementation, assessing standards aligned instruction in the primary and target language, and socio-cultural knowledge and community relations. Prerequisites: Students must possess a bachelor’s degree; hold a valid NYS Teaching Certificate; complete and pass the Bilingual Education Assessment (BEA) and must complete 'Dignity For All Students Act' and Autism workshops.
In the graduate degree category, 12 semester hours distributed as follows: 3 semester hours in Foundations of Bilingual Education, 3 semester hours in Socio- and Psycho-linguistics or Introduction to Linguistics, 3 semester hours in Teaching Content in the Bilingual/Multilingual Classroom, and 3 semester hours in Multicultural Education (2/21).
283 hours (40 weeks).
August 2021 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: assess their role as secondary special educators in supporting students to be educated in their Least Restrictive Environment; define their role in engaging in multi-tiered levels of support at the secondary level; develop approach and apply principals of equity in special education; develop a critically conscious mindset; describe components of an Individualized Education Program; write strong IEPs targeted to students’ areas of strength and growth that are aligned to the Next Generation State Learning Standards; evaluate the purpose, characteristics, and limitations of different assessment types; evaluate and apply best practices for progress monitoring and data tracking for students with IEPs; collaborate with the IEP team to develop strong transition plans based on NYCDOE transition planning policies, student and family participation and attainment of graduation and/or certification requirements and rigorous postsecondary goals; apply best practices in secondary special education when planning and implementing Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) and differentiation strategies, including consistently analyzing student work; describe and anticipate how students’ disabilities affect learning of content; create and implement interventions to support access to grade level curriculum; and identify the key elements of rigorous literacy and math instruction at the secondary level.
This course is taught in an online, module format (with a required textbook) consisting of on-going and cumulative competency-based assessments, collaborative discussion, student activity and observations/reflections. Students receive ongoing coaching and feedback from experienced facilitators throughout the process. The program consists of 20 modules of coursework in five cycles, focusing on the NYC DOE Vision of Excellent Instruction, theories of adolescent development, and best practices for student transition planning, specially designed instruction, and teaching literacy and math. Prerequisites: Students must possess a bachelor’s degree; hold a valid NYS Secondary (grades 7-12) Content Certificate; have completed the Liberal Arts Core (college coursework - English Language Arts - 6 S.H.; college coursework - Concepts in Historical and Social Sciences - 6 S.H.; college coursework - Scientific Processes - 6 S.H.; college coursework - Mathematical Processes - 6 S.H.; complete and pass the following exam: Multi-subject: Secondary Teachers CST (241/242/245); and must complete 'Dignity For All Students Act' and Autism workshops.
In the graduate degree category, 12 semester hours distributed as follows: 3 semester hours in Curriculum Adaptation and Modification Planning for Exceptional Students – Adolescent; 3 semester hours in Foundations of Education for Students with Special Needs; 3 semester hours in Assessment and Evaluation of Individuals with Disabilities; and 3 semester hours in Positive Learning Environments for Middle Childhood or Adolescent Development (7/21).