NOCTI and Nocti Business Solutions (NBS) | Evaluated Learning Experience
Veterinary Assistant – Pennsylvania Customized Test (8396)
September 2019 - Present.
Differentiate between the tasks and roles of veterinary team members; Recognize normal and abnormal animal behavior patterns; Follow personal safety measures (PPE) including isolation procedures; Identify potential zoonotic diseases; Differentiate between disposal of various types of hazardous material; Practice sanitation and disinfection techniques within the veterinary facility; Follow OSHA standards; Solve basic medical math necessary for the profession; Greet clients, schedule appointments, and answer and direct phone calls; Prepare forms and certificates; Admit and discharge a patient; Perform basic veterinary medical recordkeeping procedures including basic filing and retrieving; Utilize veterinary medical terminology and abbreviations; Recognize and respond appropriately to veterinary medical emergencies by notifying the appropriate hospital personnel; Manage basic inventory supplies and restock shelves (e.g., office supplies, retail supplies); Follow ethical rules of conduct in the veterinary profession; Demonstrate knowledge of the human-animal bond; Demonstrate professional appearance and language in the workplace; Differentiate between the various pharmaceuticals and their classifications (e.g., over-the-counter, prescription, controlled substances); Interpret a prescription's terminology; Prepare and package dispensed drugs and formulate a label; Reconstitute vaccines and follow proper protocols; Place and remove small animals from cages; Place and restrain small animals on tables and floor; Use various restraint devices (e.g., cat and dog muzzles, Elizabethan collars, restraint pole); Demonstrate standing, sitting, lateral, sternal, and dorsal restraint positions; Demonstrate restraint techniques for femoral, cephalic, jugular, and saphenous veins (dog and cat) including restraint for drug vaccine administration; Identify situations requiring alternative restraint techniques (e.g., ringworm, geriatric, ectoparasite infestation, breed); Determine and record temperature, pulse, heart rate, respiration, body condition score, and patient weight; Identify common AKC dog breeds and CFA cat breeds as well as their sex; Take animal history and report chief complaint (SOAP format); Provide routine recordkeeping and observation of hospitalized patients following patient treatment plan (e.g., feed, medication, maintain fluid); Utilize terminology, illustrate the structure and function, and describe common diseases of the body systems (e.g., sensory, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, respiratory, circulatory, immune, digestive, urinary, endocrine, reproductive, nervous); Administer medication (dog and cat) (e.g., eye, ear, oral); Select, identify, and use equipment for grooming procedures (e.g., trim nails, bathe, clean ears); Evaluate capillary refill time (CRT) and assess normal mucous membranes; Clean, prepare, and sterilize surgical instruments, equipment, and supplies, and operate autoclave (e.g., surgical gowns, drapes, packs); Identify common instruments; Assist with positioning and preparation of patients using aseptic technique; Assist with post-operative patient care; Maintain proper operating room conduct and asepsis including surgical log; Perform post-surgical clean up; Maintain operating room sanitation and care; Collect voided urine samples for examination (e.g., physical properties, sediment, specific gravity); Prepare supplies for blood collection and identify common blood tubes used in veterinary medicine; Set up a packed cell volume (PCV) plasma protein using a refractometer; Assist in preparation of specimen staining techniques; Collect voided fecal samples for examination (e.g., direct smear, flotation, centrifugation); Identify external parasites (e.g., mites, lice, fleas, ticks); Practice radiological exposure protocol; Assist the veterinarian and/or technician in diagnostic imaging including restraint, preparation, positioning of patients, and processing images; Care for radiology equipment, maintain quality control, and maintain log. Performance Component: Identify Tools and Equipment (7%), Wrap a General Surgical Pack (27%), Fill a Prescription (12%), Muzzle, Restraint, and Anatomical Identification (27%), Set Up a Fecal Flotation (15%), Read and Fill Syringes (12%).
NOCTI and NBS exams assess an individual's end-of-program knowledge and skills in an online proctored proficiency examination format. In addition, some programs administer a performance component test to assess application of skills.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Pre-veterinary, or Veterinary Science (10/19).