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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

NOCTI and Nocti Business Solutions (NBS) | Evaluated Learning Experience

Electrical Construction - Teacher Test (5271)

Course Category: 
NOCTI-Approved Area Test Centers throughout the United States.

September 2012 - December 2018.

Instructional delivery format: 
Proficiency exam
Learner Outcomes: 

Students will be able to: identify various electrical construction technology positions and responsibilities and career-related professional organizations and their purpose; identify proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) according to NFPA 70E standards; explain the purpose of OSHA; Identify procedures for fire, ladder, and environmental safety according to OSHA standards (including lock-out/tag-out); identify characteristics, uses, and connections of meters and measuring devices and meter safety procedures; identify and correctly use hand and power tools; identify and select proper conductor cable type; identify and select proper conduit, boxes, and fittings; identify the function and purpose of various specialty equipment, including Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI), Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI), Tamper-Resistant, and Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TVSS); identify commonly used listed and labeled equipment; explain NEC and how it is organized; explain procedures involved in NEC wiring methods, materials, and protection regulations; identify basic service entrance requirements; properly apply NEC tables and charts; describe proper bonding and grounding methods; identify and interpret electrical symbols and specifications in blueprints and/or plans; identify and interpret wiring and schematic diagrams; demonstrate planning and layout of a circuit; identify characteristics of AC circuits; explain capacitance, inductance, impedance, current, voltage, and resistance; calculate power consumption, dissipation, and loss; demonstrate principles of magnetic theory; identify materials as insulators, conductors, and semi-conductors; identify characteristics and components of DC circuits; apply various circuit theorems, including Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Law, Watt's Law, and electron theory; interpret meter readings; identify and apply various mathematical conversions, including scientific, engineering, and metric notations/conversions; select appropriate wiring for specific installations (residential and commercial); install various switching arrangements, cabling, raceways, conduit, boxes, wiring, devices, and trims; test and troubleshoot completed installation; discuss wind turbine, solar energy, and other renewable sources of energy; explain functions and characteristics of rectifiers, inverters, and filters; describe energy management devices (e.g., LED lighting, CFLs, occupancy sensors); identify and calculate voltage/current for primary and secondary windings; determine KVA capacity and differentiate between Delta and Wye connections; describe characteristics of various types of motors; identify and connect motor connections per nameplate (Delta/Wye and single-phase); test, troubleshoot, and reverse motor rotation; select short-circuit and overload protection for specific applications; and identify and interpret motor nameplate information (e.g. voltage and phases). Performance Component:  Bend Conduit (34%), Switching and GFCI Receptacle in a Residential Setting (42%), and Install Two Smoke Alarms in a Commercial Setting (24%).


NOCTI teacher exams assess individuals' technical knowledge and skills in an online proctored proficiency examination format.  These assessments are used in a large number of states as part of the teacher licensing/certification process as they assess competency in all aspects of a particular industry.

Credit recommendation: 

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Construction, General Technology, Introduction to Electrical Construction Technology or Applied Science. (5/12) (5/17 revalidation).
