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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

NOCTI and Nocti Business Solutions (NBS) | Evaluated Learning Experience

Electronics Technology - Teacher Test (5907)

Course Category: 
NOCTI-Approved Area Test Centers throughout the United States.

September 2011 - December 2018.

Instructional delivery format: 
Proficiency exam
Learner Outcomes: 

Students will be able to: demonstrate safe working procedures; explain the purpose of OSHA and how it promotes safety on the job; identify electrical hazards and how to avoid or minimize them in the workplace; explain safety issues concerning lockout/tagout procedures; safely discharge electronic equipment; explain the chemical and environmental hazards of electronics equipment; explain basic electrical theory, including Ohm's law and Watt's law; describe magnetism and electromagnetism; identify schematic symbols and sources of electricity, including renewable sources; interpret color codes; describe conductors, resistors, and insulators; apply proper scientific and engineering notations; describe fundamental logic gates and functions; explain Boolean logic and sequential logic (flip flops); discuss digital circuitry; compare and convert different number systems; identify diodes, rectifier, and power supply circuits and bipolar transistors and bipolar transistor circuits; explain Field Effect Transistors (FETs) and FET circuits; define thyristors and control circuits; identify optoelectronic devices and light functions; identify Op-Amps, principles, and applications (including oscillators); define Electromagnetic Interference (EMI); describe circuit protection methods; interpret a manufacturer's data sheet; identify, select, and demonstrate proper hand tool use; demonstrate proper use of multimeters and oscilloscopes; demonstrate proper use of function generators, frequency counters, testers, etc.; analyze and troubleshoot DC series circuits and DC parallel circuits, DC combination/complex circuits; analyze AC circuits and waveforms; troubleshoot an AC circuit; define inductance, capacitance, and resonance; explain current and voltage phase relationships; describe the operation of transformers, including troubleshooting; lay out components on a printed circuit board according to a schematic; use proper soldering and de-soldering techniques; repair or replace a component or foil on a printed circuit board; prototype electrical circuits using schematics and breadboards; identify available careers in electronics technology (i.e., Nanotechnology, Industrial Automation, Biomedical Electronics, Robotics, etc.); and describe entry level requirements for various electronics technology careers. Performance Component:  De-Soldering and Soldering (27%), Power Supply Construction and Circuit Analysis (23%), Op Amp Construction and Analysis (18%), and Design and Build a Combinational Logic Circuit (32%).


NOCTI teacher exams assess individuals' technical knowledge and skills in an online proctored proficiency examination format.  These assessments are used in a large number of states as part of the teacher licensing/certification process as they assess competency in all aspects of a particular industry.

Credit recommendation: 

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Electronics. Introduction to Electrical Engineering Technology or General Technology (5/12) (5/17 revalidation).
