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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

NOCTI and Nocti Business Solutions (NBS) | Evaluated Learning Experience

Technical Theater (7700)

Course Category: 
NOCTI and NBS proctored test centers throughout the United States.
September 2009- Present.
Instructional delivery format: 
Proficiency exam
Learner Outcomes: 

Students will be able to: perform the duties associated with broad content areas in technical theater; decribe the sequence of stage production; apply  basic mathematical concepts that apply to technical theater duties; observe all safety procedures required in technical theater; perform basic hand and machine stitching; take measurements and perform fittings; label costumes, accessories and shoes; organize accessory bags and wardrobe racks; set up and organize a quick change booth; apply/create a character makeup design for three to five actors for a performance; use basic make up techniques in performance; identify and use costume and make-up resources including shops and suppliers; create a list of the range of fabric and appropriate applications or use for costume construction; perform basic costume maintenance including laundry and repairs; prepare a wardrobe plot for each character in a script; list the basic hair and wig requirements for a show from an examination of the script; create and use budgets for costume, make-up and hair expenditures; identify the common components of scenery construction; build standard scenery including platform, bracing, flat, and rails; measure and work in scale from a ground plan or working drawing; read construction plans e.g., elevations and ground plans; create technical drawings and a cut list for scenic construction; lay out the set placement on stage; spike scenic units in the performance space; use bearing loads in platform construction;  apply scenic painting materials, methods and processes; use basic shop math for measuring; follow and enforce all safety procedures required in carpentry work; create and use budgets; use basic theater rigging techniques and rigging theory; identify basic types and components of lighting instruments; hang and focus lighting equipment; change lamps and gels in standard lighting equipment, circuit and patch lighting equipment; read lighting plots and lighting paperwork; use lighting equipment templates to draw lighting symbols on a hang plot; demonstrate knowledge of basic color temperature and color theory; identify electrics rigging and lighting positions in the theater; operate/program/maintain lighting equipment including spotlights, light boards, etc.; use math and basic electrical formulas for stage electricians; follow and enforce all safety procedures required in electrics work; create and use electrics budgets; create properties paperwork and running sheets from an existing script; lay out and label a prop table; construct and repair basic props using a variety of materials and skills; identify techniques for constructing props including paper mache, foam, and other materials; demonstrate knowledge of prop safety construction and use; create and use properties budget; follow cues from headset and cue lights; read cue sheets and run show accordingly; use rigging systems and operations; discuss and outline the roles of various crew positions, strike organization and recycling; utline procedures for deck safety; walk the stage area to trouble shoot for safety issues; create a timeline and flow chart to demonstrate the rehearsal and production processes; create a prompt book to be used in the production of a theater event; create call sheets and scene breakdown paperwork to be used in the production of a theater event; direct various crews in running rehearsals and performances; create prop running paperwork in conjunction with the prop crew; generate rehearsal and show reports and rehearsal schedules in conjuction with the director; demonstrate knowledge of communication methods for serving as the liaison; generate and stock a basic stage management kit; tape out a rehearsal room by reading drawings and ground plans; supervise the deck crew in glow taping stage set and set-up of safety lights; organize and run an audition; run a dry technical rehearsal; create and use production budgets; analyze script to create a cue list for sound; identify common sound equipment and components, microphone technique and positioning; assemble sound system to enhance appropriate sound mix and balance; use and edit sound software; comply with sound safety issues; calculate sound budget; perform signal math using sound theory. Performance Component: For this assessment, sites choose a performance test based on program specialty. Performance tests are available for: Pattern And Sew An Apron; Make-up and Hair for a Period Styling; Construct a 2' x 4' Fabric Covered Theatrical Style Flat; Setup, Hang Cable and Focus Three Unit Light Plot; Setup Sound System; Tape Out a Ground Plan; Create a Mini-prompt Book with Blocking and Cue Annotation.


NOCTI and NBS exams assess individuals' end-of-program knowledge and skills in an online proctored proficiency examination format. In addition, some programs administer a NOCTI/NBS performance component test to assess application of skills.

Credit recommendation: 

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Technical Theater (11/13) (11/18 revalidation). NOTE: An additional 1-2 credits may be awarded based on successful completion of the Performance Component when given in conjunction with the written proficiency examination.
