| Evaluated Learning Experience
Psychology 104: Social Psychology
24 hours (6 weeks).
December 2013 - April 2022.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: define and summarize social psychology; compare and contrast the work of social psychology researchers, including Lewin, Milgram, Asch, Zimbardo, and Elliot; outline the types of research used in the social psychology field; model and appraise memory tools, including schemas; analyze the role of emotions in attitudes; appraise how people work in groups and make group decisions; interpret the theories related to attraction; outline and explain the ideas of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination; examine the misinformation effect; and summarize perceived helplessness.
Major topics include: research methods and ethics; social cognition and perception; the self in a social context; attitudes and persuasion; group decisions; attraction and close relationships; stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination; and applied social psychology.
In the lower division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology (12/16).