Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. | Evaluated Learning Experience
Develop Your Leadership Potential: Stop Doing, Start Leading
Version 1: 3 days in-person (27 hours); 8 weeks (31 hours); OR live online (19 hours)
Version 1: October 2021 - September 2024
Version 1: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: define leadership competencies required of new leaders; apply the Leadership Model of Success to create a vision for personal leadership development; create a Leadership Impact Plan to affect change in the organization; evaluate the types of followers on a team and apply an appropriate communication style; analyze employee performance and create guidelines for reasonable, allowable margins of error; evaluate and expand one's self-awareness by applying Johari Window, Achilles Heel, and Feedforward techniques; analyze an employee's current zone of performance and assign new responsibilities to boost performance and engagement; and understand communication triggers and apply appropriate response generators to improve communication.
Version 1: Methods of instruction include: audiovisual materials, discussion, learner presentations, lecture, and classroom exercises. General course topics include: characteristics of leadership effectiveness; leading with integrity; leading others to accomplish results; enhancing leadership competence; engaging followers; communicating with authority; guiding performance; increasing self-awareness; inspiring confidence in leadership; and developing self and others.
Version 1: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Fundamentals of Effective Leadership (10/21).